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Giving back takes heart at Chevron Phillips Chemical

Chevron Phillips Chemical "Building ChemUnity" community outreach program

THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS - (October 28, 2015) - It all started with a boy, a horse and a desire to change the world.

When Chanda DeBoyes, an employee of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP (Chevron Phillips Chemical) in The Woodlands, signed up to participate in Montgomery County United Way's Days of Caring program through her company she had no idea of the impact their service would have not only to the non-profit organization, but on the life of her 7-year-old son, Trahan.

The pair was assigned to Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch, a local equestrian therapy center and Montgomery County United Way partner that focuses on personal advancements for people, particularly children, with the use of therapy horses. While riding, a client responds to the horse's rhythmic movements, which stimulate the muscular and nervous systems. This promotes change in the rider's strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, social skills, behavioral responsiveness, sensory processing and confidence.

DeBoyes and her son spent the day painting signs with inspirational messages for the clients while other volunteers helped build fencing for the horses. Some of the kids even had the opportunity to meet Zorro, one of the veteran therapy horses retired from racing after being rescued and rehabilitated.

DeBoyes, who is an accountant in Chevron Phillips Chemical's finance department, discovered that participant tuition covers less than 10 percent of the actual operating cost of the ranch. As a number-cruncher, this statistic was eye opening, and further motivated her to help.

Following their day of service at the ranch, Trahan asked his mother when they could come back and help because he had made his own personal discovery.

"Mom," he said "the more we help, the more kids the ranch can help." Her son's simple, but poignant statement stopped DeBoyes in her tracks. She looked at her son, and said, "You are exactly right."

DeBoyes shared her story and her son's perspective during Chevron Phillips Chemical's recent United Way fundraising campaign in hopes of inspiring an increased spirit of giving and her message seemed to do just that.

This year, employees from The Woodlands and Conroe contributed more than ever before, raising nearly $400,000 when matched for Montgomery County United Way and its community partners like Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch.

Chevron Phillips Chemical has been a United Way pacesetter in Montgomery
County since 2004 and is the second largest campaign donor in the county.

"As a company, Chevron Phillips Chemical understands the importance of supporting its neighbors by giving back to the community," said CEO Pete Cella. "This year though, it's been touching to see the increased gift of time, in addition to money, given by so many of our employees here in Montgomery County."

Besides giving time at Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch, more than 200 employees and family members participated in Montgomery County Food Bank's Sort to Support challenge across 3 days, sorting more than 51,000 pounds of food expected to provide nearly 43,000 meals to residents in Montgomery County.

Employees from Chevron Phillips Chemical also participated in Montgomery County United Way's annual socks and undies drive for low-income children going back to school and collected more than 1,500 pairs of new socks and underwear, helping approximately 300 students in need.

Different stories continue to inspire employees of Chevron Phillips Chemical to support the United Way, including most recently the experience of a boy, a horse and a desire to change the world.