Our Journey to Zero, a strategy with a tailored focus on reducing incidents by increasing the safety and reliability of our operations, makes us a better company by placing a spotlight on our strengths and opportunities for improvement. Therefore every year we recognize our suppliers that have achieved outstanding safety performance while working at CPChem and/or its affiliate facilities or major capital project sites during the award year.
Contractor Safety Excellence Award
To be eligible for this award program, a contractor company must work at least 25,000 cumulative hours in a calendar year at one or multiple CPChem/affiliate facilities or major capital project sites. Only those contractor companies for which hours were reported to Corporate EHSS by CPChem/affiliate facilities or major capital project sites throughout the calendar year will be considered for this award program. The CPChem Contractor Safety Award Program consists of three award unit categories: Run and Maintain, Turnaround and Projects.
Contractor companies within each award unit are eligible to receive the two awards identified below:
Contractor Safety Excellence Award -To be eligible for consideration of a CPChem Contractor Safety Excellence Award, a contractor company must meet the following criteria:
- Be at or below the annual CPChem Corporate-Wide Recordable Incidence Rate (RIR) Target for the award year;
- Not have experienced a Recordable Injury/Illness that resulted in in-patient hospitalization with medical treatment beyond first aid at a CPChem/affiliate facility or major capital project site; and
- Not have a corporate variance in the calendar year.
If a contractor is a recipient for a CPChem Contractor Safety Excellence Award, this company is eligible for consideration for a CPChem President’s Contractor Safety Award that is our highest Safety award and companies need to submit their application in order to be considered.
Supplier ESG Assessment
All of CPChem’s existing core, principal and new suppliers are being asked to participate in an environmental, social and governance (ESG) assessment. Periodic evaluations are expected to assess conformance to not only the SPOC, but also relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Supplier evaluations may trigger follow-up discussions so that we can better understand the unique positions of our suppliers and the challenges they face. Our Responsible Sourcing program also includes ESG Training to our suppliers to address social and environmental topics for us to share our environmental, social and governance endeavors.